We’ve been working on something quite special these past 2 months and it’s still very much a work in progress, however we’ve been granted permission to share the final logo design with you while the actual business is being built.
“Humu Island Retreat” is a wonderful new retreat-style hotel being built on the island of Niue by Saluma Hunt, a Niuean native who has lived in Auckland, New Zealand for many years. After the very sad passing of her late husband, Saluma started thinking about returning to her island rock. Now that time has come. After a few years of love and planning, Humus Island Retreat became a reality.
Humu, which means “fish” in the native tongue and is also a cherished nickname for Saluma by her father, so it was chosen for the namesake. It was this symbol that we chose to create a logo for Humu island Retreat as well as using some of the deep blues and greens of the waters that surround the island.
We’re very much looking forward to adding to this logo as the retreat, resaturant and shop are built in the next 6 months!
You can follow the progress here: HUMU ISLAND RETREAT