Every year, our radio waves are surveyed by TNS Group for the purposes of our Radio Media Agencies to see which regions they are most liked in. It was clear to me when I was asked to help out at MediaWorks Radio for a freelance contract for 2 weeks that this was a huge deal to both MediaWorks and TRN (The Radio Network).
There was a heck of a lot of design work to do and this meant setting up camp at their offices on Ponsonby Road for the duration of the project. It was difficult to wave goodbye to our little Brandwagon office and move to a corporate giant space but I was sure everything would be ok as I had Tali to hold the fort while I was away.
We got straight into it, preparing all the marketing materials for when the results were released that Friday. From posters, to web pages, to DialdIn comms – we had it all ready to add stats to! Friday rolled round and what a day of celebration it was. I’ve never experienced such elation, copious woohoo’s and champagne at 10am in the morning. It was all to do with the fact that MediaWorks Radio had one of the best survey results they had ever had! I felt quite chuffed to be there for it.
The chuffed feeling was short lived as from 9:30am onwards, I had my fingers flying over the keyboard to input results and meet several deadlines for newspapers, digital billboards and many other pieces of art. It felt good to cross each proof off and move straight onto the next one, you could say that all the stress and excitement mixed together created a surge of creative energy as I don’t think I’ve ever worked that fast in my life!
We worked a solid 10 hour day on the Friday followed by a party (there seem to be lots of these in the media industry) and everyone was incredibly welcoming and friendly to me which was nice, you don’t often find that on freelance roles.
We worked hard again on Saturday and through the next week, ensuring all stats were checked over, all art was proofed and all digital media was saved. The following Friday I waved goodbye to the lovely ladies and headed back off for a much needed weekend of rest before returning to my office on the Monday.
To sum up my time at MediaWorks: I really enjoyed being in a high energy fast paced environment, it gave me lots of perspective and some good ideas to help make my own business run smoothly. It also validated all my hard work from the last 3 or so years in business, I am glad to have created a new relationship with a large brand.
See some of the work I did here