Happy New year to all Brandwagoners!
We hope you had a holiday full of rest and relaxation and of course, time to reflect on the year gone by.
We’ve been doing a lot of processing ourselves and we’re going to to continue to change and improve Brandwagon in 2015 because if you aren’t moving and changing, you aren’t learning! and this wagon has to keep’a moving!
The first thing that needs to happen is to write some goals. Have you ever written goals for your business? I write them every year for my business AND for myself. Nothing feels more satisfying than ticking off goals completed at the end of a year!
So why not make yourself a goal this year to get a GREAT brand?
If you’ve gone along with a make-shift logo or something done quickly to start business with up until now, then make yourself a goal of getting a meaningful brand this year. Nothing says “spend your money here” to your customers like a brand that reflects your key message.
Think of it like this …
There are currently a thousand other business owners out there, sitting in their chairs, winding up for the year thinking “how can WE make a serious impact in 2015?” “What can we do to start attracting business right now?” I can tell you, a good way to stand out as a leader is to take a look at your brand and make sure it’s serving you.
Here are a few things you can look at to check whether your brand is still serving you correctly:
1: Look at your profit from this past year and 2013, compare where your customers are coming from. What’s changed?
2: Gather some of your marketing materials from throughout the 2014 year – was your message clear in all of them and did your target market respond well to it?
3: Take a look at your target market again, check that you’re still targeting your ideal customers.
4: Look at new technology trends – where else could you be talking to your ideal customers?
5: Get an audit on your website and your social media – find out if they’re still working!
6: Check out your competitors brands, have they changed, why haven’t you?!
The momentum for 2015 is already in full swing, if you feel you’re prepared to take on the challenge of a strong brand and get more customers through the doors early, then I congratulate you on taking the first step! If you have more questions or you are interested in speaking with us about how we can help you achieve this goal, then please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Bring on 2015!